Activities of sheltered workshops 13.12.23
Sheltered Workshops are providing person-centred services such as:
  • Permanent structured work
  • Vocational education adapted to the competences of the individual 
Each in the fields of:
  • ICT (e.g. copy centres, digital archiving, etc.)
  • Customer services (e.g. catering, laundry, retail sales, etc.)
  • Handiwork (e.g. packaging, dismantling, assembling, etc.)
  • Community services (e.g. gardening, cleaning of common and private spaces, etc.)
  • Producing and selling a huge variety of products
Additionally, they facilitate the options of:
  • On-site work (sometimes open to the general public, e.g. restaurants, laundries, etc.)
  • Integrated workplaces: temporary or permanent secondment of a person to a work place in the open labour market while he or she remains a workshop user
  • Mobile units: small teams of workers hired by external organizations or by public authorities to take care of various community services (e.g. gardening in public areas, cleaning in public or private entities, etc.)
  • Support for the transition onto the open labour market for workshop users who wish for it and for whom it is possible 
Other services are:
  • Medical rehabilitation
  • Support for personal development
  • A variety of leisure activities
  • Recognition of learning experience

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Who we are
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen e. V. (BAG WfbM) is the political representative of sheltered workshops in Germany. We represent 93 % of all German workshops. All public welfare organisations and religious denominations work jointly in our organisation.

Our task is to give expert advice on questions related to employment, vocational training, financing and legal issues. Additionally, we are actively involved in the legislation process. BAG WfbM promotes for the participation of persons with disabilities in working life.
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